We Are Glorious
Lyrics by Benita Mae
Performed by Benita Mae and Kaylene Graham
I wrote the song “We Are Glorious” to give disabled people a push. To do something amazing. To find their glory. Their glory isn’t going to find them, they need to find it
What Am I To You
Lyrics by Benita Mae
Performed by Sarah Lloyde
I wrote “What Am I to You” because Mum was spending a lot of time in Adelaide with my brother Jayden and I was feeling a little left out. I feel I can express my feeling when I write my songs.
Best Of Me
Lyrics by Benita Mae
Performed by Zyke Compson-Harris
I wrote the song “Best Of Me” because my Grandma and Grandpa wanted me to be a hand model. They thought that could be my life story and I didn’t want that to be my story. They thought my hands were my best and only asset, I wanted to prove that these hands can do so much more.
Lyrics by Benita Mae
Performed by Michele Capriccioni
I wrote “Shadows” because I wanted to try a different genre – something dark and brooding.
Look Good In Black
Lyrics by Benita Mae
Performed by Sarah Lloyde
I wrote the song “Look Good in Black” because I was tired of feeling like I was always the good girl. I wanted to write a bad girl song. I ain’t so innocent.
Lyrics by Benita Mae
Performed by Kylie Kain
I wrote this song because the previous song I wrote “What am I to You” hurt my mum. When I am writing i don’t think of how the song will affect people or my family. I felt terrible, so after that I wrote an apology song to mum to let her know that I never meant to hurt her.
Sometimes I write just for fun, or if I am bored or if I feel like writing. In this moment I felt like writing.
A Family Like This
Lyrics by Benita Mae
Performed by Az Kerwin
“A Family Like This” is a song about me wanting to protect my family. I love my family very much.
Let Me Go
Lyrics by Benita Mae
Performed by Sarah Lloyde
The song “Let Me Go” was inspired by a book that my mother showed me about family members moving on and becoming what they were meant to be. I like this song very much.
Hope Versus Doubt
Lyrics by Benita Mae
Performed by Michele Capriccioni
I wrote this song because it would help me get some doubt off of my shoulders. In my dreams I am fighting against my enemies, trying to protect my family.
Lyrics by Benita Mae
Performed by Kylie Kain
My step dad told me to write a song about how and why I write and how it changed my life. This song really is my personal Autism journey. I wanted to show that I am not scared. And to show that whenever I hear music I hear people telling stories about their lives.
Light And Shadow
Lyrics by Benita Mae Performed by Az Kerwin There are some songs that I write just for fun. I once heard a song that gave me a little inspiration.Light And Shadow Light and shadow, write my story, break my human chains take my soul and make it what it was meant to be Show me the truth, I swear...
If Life Was A Show
Lyrics by Benita Mae Performed by Michelle Nightingale I was at a career expo once and I was wondering what my life was going to be, who am I supposed to be, what is next, so I just decided to write it all down as this song.If Life Was A Show On go the lights, up goes the curtain It’s the big...
God’s Love
Lyrics by Benita Mae Performed by Kaylene Graham “God’s Love” was inspired also by a book, about how God's love is all around us, in the Mountains, in the Oceans and in the sky. I am a spiritual person, this book touched me.God’s Love Some days I wonder if there is such thing as God It just seems...